Horizon Arch Sunrise Sunset Calculator



Daily Details

The Photographer's Ephemeris (TPE) application provides detailed information with the exact position of the sun and moon as viewed from a particular location on a on a given date and time. TPE also provides shadow length, and whether or not a subject will be in shade at a given time. Click on the next icon to open The Photographer's Ephemeris centered on Horizon Arch:

Horizon Arch: TPE Icon

TPE is also available for iOS and Android phones and tablets. See http://photoephemeris.com/ for more details. Highly recommended!

TPE is published by Crookneck Consulting LLC and the web application is free to use.



The Sunrise Sunset calculator above provides a monthly calendar showing sunrise/set and moonrise/set and moon phase for a whole month. More detailed information can be obtained by clicking on the Photographer's Ephemeris icon above.

Sunrise Sunset times are given at Horizon Arch in Utah.